Sucking on Soap

My daughter has always been an adventurous eater. I have had her on Indian curry’s, Italian food, and Oriental cuisine for months now. As refined as her taste is though, she has the weakness of all babies…”Put-everything-in-mouth syndrome.”

If I were to list the items that either she has put in her mouth, or I have prevented her from tasting, the list would look more like a hardware shopping list than a grocery store. About a month or two ago, I was washing her hands and letting her hold the soap/ show her how to move it around. Lo and behold, within a second of me glancing away, she had managed to clutch that slippery soap tightly, pull it to her mouth, and take a large bite. UUUGGGGGHHH!!! I suffered for her as I imagined the awful taste she was experiencing, and quickly made an attempt to swipe it out.




Who does that?! Who holds on to something so disgusting with such passion? Those who know babies, know that answer. Yuck! I  tried a second and third time, and then finally managed to wiggle it loose as foam oozed from her mouth. Well…at least her mouth was clean from the last non-food that she delighted in…

Psalms 33:17-18  “A horse is a false hope for victory; Nor does it deliver anyone by its great strength. Behold, the eye of the LORD is on those who fear Him, On those who hope for His lovingkindness, (NASB)”

In Biblical times, horses were a powerful ally or enemy in battle. Atop a horse, you would feel confidence and safety in knowing that you are well protected from hand to hand fighting, and have relief from traveling on foot for long distances. In the absence of a horse, you may come to the battle tired from the journey and feel vulnerable to being trampled or struck from on high. No wonder horses are often mentioned throughout Scripture! In this passage though, horses were put in their proper place…below God. This passage gives a challenge to them and to us to not settle for second best. It reminds us of where our ultimate hope and trust should lie.

In the same way that soap is beneficial for cleaning hands, but not for digesting, we must be cautious to not use good things for the wrong purposes. Let me make this personal…I need to beware of putting hope in the created over the Creator. I need to not elevate my husband to a place where I expect him to meet all my needs perfectly…only God can fulfill that role. I need to realize that casual down time has its place, but should never replace soul refreshment in spending time with God. In so many ways throughout my day, I must be watchful to not elevate a good gift over the Giver. Because, really, why suck on a bite of soap when I need a plate of dinner instead?