Almost Two…

Today, Aurora and I drove to the park to play for an hour or so before dinner. As always, the beach beckoned her, and she ended up ankle deep in the icy water grabbing handfuls of sand. A few feet away, crawling around in the sand babbling happily was another cute little munchkin. I started small talking with the mom and found out that the little girl had turned one just a few weeks ago. Whoa. What a difference a year makes! As I watched my almost two year old digging in the sand with a plastic spoon doing the big stuff that my little girl was doing, I wanted to take it in a little extra. After her bath, I snuggled her just a little longer in my lap. She is growing up.

It wasn’t really a sad moment (although I may tear up when I see her on the big girl trike I got her for her birthday!) as much as it was an awe filled moment. This weekend has been packed full of them. The much longed for spring (really, summer) weather is finally here and it has meant many leisurely outdoor times with Aurora gardening, eating meals, or just playing with rocks or chalk. I have tried to soak in all the one on one leisure that I can with my girl…without getting bored…I’m still an extrovert that loves staying busy after all!

I think one of the reasons I enjoyed the calm with Aurora so much this weekend is that it has been a difficult stage with her lately. Even before the babysitting job started, she had been a bit more emotional than normal. A little more clingy. Her fits a little more loud. And long. When two more little people got added into her life, she was excited about the novelty the first day, and the next two, she was just plain sad and mad at times to have to share so many things in her own home…me included. I’m not going to sugar coat it. It has been really hard at times and required quite a bit of patience.

In the midst of the toddler emotion though, there have been those really sweet moments too. Nothing can quite compare to how much parenthood both stretches and enriches you. Our kids truly are a gift.

Aurora teaches me to slow down. She reminds me to enjoy the simple things. She helps me to remember that quality time with those you love is one of the most important things you can do in your day. She challenges me to break away from my adult mindset of doing things in the fastest, most effective way to respect the feelings of another person. She coaxes me into not taking life so seriously. She helps keep me humble.

I look forward to celebrating her on her birthday this weekend. I can’t wait to be around people who love her to, and just make a big deal out of who she is. She is God’s gift to me and I am so thankful for her!

“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” James 1:17 (NIV)


Ice Cream Bowls and Baby Teeth

A few days ago I had an “ice cream day.” You know those days. The days when you are disappointed with life and so you reach for whatever brings the quickest comfort. I would like to say I reached for God, but I reached for ice cream in the way that someone else might reach for a beer or toward an addictive habit.

So, there I sat moping with my bowl in hand. I moped because I was tired and felt little motivation. I moped because my plans of being in a nanny position by this stage in Aurora’s development wasn’t materializing. I moped because the day wasn’t going as I hoped. You get the main idea…There was just a lot of moping going on.

But then a gentle voice met me in my ice cream drunken state.

“Didn’t you say you would give your day and your life plans to me?”

“Well, yes, but…”

“Then give it. I just want to grow you and bless you. Trust me in the journey.”

So I did. I gave God my day and I gave him my grandiose plans for the way I thought my life should look. I submitted anew and felt the peace that always comes when I give up the struggle against that which I don’t control.

A few minutes later, I was playing with Aurora beside me, and she grabbed my hand and pulled it into her mouth. It was then that I discovered it…

A tooth! Perhaps, you need to be a parent to understand the gravity of a first tooth, but I will just say that I was thrilled! After I sent my husband a text, I sat still and realized the lesson.

I have a great life.

God has blessed me with the opportunity to watch a little person grow and develop. He has given me an amazing husband and people around me that love me. Most importantly, I have a loving heavenly Father that knows just when I need encouragement.

“The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love,  he will rejoice over you with singing.” Zephaniah 3:17